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The Coffee Shop Ban (喫茶店の出入りを禁ず!!, Kiisaten he no deiri o kinzu?), or "Stay Out of Our Tea Shop!!" in the Project ILM Scanlation, is the 116th chapter of the Urusei Yatsura manga.


Aspiring coffee-shop owners regret buying property near Tomobiki High after their presence triggers a war between teachers and students.

Plot Overview[]

A beautiful young girl named Izumi and her father open their first coffee shop near Tomobiki High, and her beauty attracts hordes of young boys from the school, who cut class to hang out there and watch her. This enrages the teachers of Tomobiki High, who place a ban on students visiting coffee shops, but that only causes more students to cut class and head there out of spite. Which brings the teachers there in an effort to stop them. Soon, the fighting grows so severe that Izumi and her father are convinced that it will be their downfall. Eventually, Izumi's father attempts to frighten off the Tomobiki crowd by throwing live cockroaches at them, but in a cruel twist of fate, he hits the wrong people and is forced to close. Izumi and her father move on... but not before her father arranges a series of prank calls that he pins on Tomobiki High's teachers.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


  • The "Undercover Student Behavior Task Force" are clearly intended to be Tomobiki High's school prefects - students appointed to oversee and enforce other students' responsibilities. Typical prefect responsibilities can include keeping up with tardiness, delinquency, and dress-code violations, and they are usually voted for by the school's students rather than being appointed by the teachers.
  • Twice in this chapter, somebody stabs at the ceiling with a spear. This is a classic trope in Japanese historical comics and films, especially those featuring ninjas; the intent is to check for possible eavesdroppers or assassins who may be hiding in the spaces beneath the floor or the ceiling by stabbing at it and looking for blood - killing the hidden person being considered a bonus. One of the most famous examples of this trope comes from the story of Kuemon (穴九右衛門), in which a ninja waiting in hiding inside of a ceiling as part of an assassination mission is wounded by a probing spear-blade, but manages to avoid being detected by not only refusing to cry out in pain from his injury, but also wiping the blade clean of his blood before the spear is withdrawn.
  • The reason that the students are able to use wet towels to attack the teachers in the coffee shop is because it is standard practice in Japanese restaurants and coffee shops to place wet towelettes at each table so diners can clean their hands after eating.
  • When Izumi's father makes his plan to attack the Tomobiki High students and teachers with a barrel of cockroaches, a close look will reveal he has been drawn with the iconic henohenomoheji (also spelled heno heno moheji) gag -- a common comical portrayal of a character in manga or anime where the features of a face are replaced with a series of hiragana characters that create a semblance of facial features. The specific characters don't actually mean anything when taken collectively, the gag is simply that it's a doodle that looks like a face. They often serve as a comedic shorthand for portraying a character as having very average, blank, nondescript or otherwise generic features. Mr. Mizunokoji is consistently drawn with henohenomoheji facial features, to represent how unimportant he is in his family. The joke is named for the collective characters involved in it, and their roles in the gag are:
    • He: Eyebrows
    • No: Eyes
    • Mo: Nose
    • He: Mouth
    • Ji: Outline of the face and ear