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Great All-Star Banquet! We are Immortal!! (オールスター大宴会!うちらは不滅だっちゃ!!, Ōru Sutā Dai Enkai! Uchira wa Fumetsu Datcha!!) is the 194th and final episode of Urusei Yatsura.


As Spring begins and the cherry blossoms reach a peak, everyone finds mysterious invitations to a costume contest at Tomobiki High School where the tale of a classic folklore story is to be performed and various familiar characters show up as invited guests.


As her husband lies sleeping at her side, an unsettled Mrs. Moroboshi looks out through her bedroom window and watches the sakura blossoms blowing in the night wind. She muses as a voice-over that it all began on a day that the sakura trees at the Tomobiki Aqueduct were at their peak, and the air seemed alive with anticipation...

The next morning, Megane goes out to collect the morning paper, which is delivered late. Suddenly, the print on it vanishes before his very eyes, prompting a minor freak-out.

Elsewhere, Ataru walks along grassy banks underneath falling sakura blossoms. He passes by Cherry, Kotatsu-neko and a Dappyaman holding a sake-fueled party, and morosely sighs that it must be nice to have no problems.

In a rain-soaked forest, the amefurashi receives a letter.

Back in Tomobiki, Ran returns home and is horrified to find somebody has broken away her staircase, making it impossible for her to reach the interior of her UFO, though she vainly makes several attempts to jump for it.

Tsubame and Sakura leave a movie theater at the end of a date, smiling happily as Sakura lovingly wraps herself around Tsubame's arm.

Kakugari buys what is clearly a pornographic magazine at a book store and then leaves, hugging it tight and elbowing his way past his fellow browsers.

Ran finally resorts to blowing off one of the legs of her ship with her most powerful grenades, causing it to fall to one side and crash. She happily heads inside to start rebuilding, but finds a mysterious letter on the floor inside the door.

Riding the train back home, Kakugari can't wait any more and opens it, only to discover a strange letter sitting inside.

As the sun sets, Sakura and Tsubame share a passionate kiss against the backdrop of a suspended train-track.

On a hill overlooking Tomobiki, a baffled Kotatsu-neko finds himself clutching one of the mysterious letters.

In the forest, the kitsune returns to his stockpile of acorns with a fresh batch, only to find a letter sitting atop the pile.

At the Mendō estate, Shūtarō Mendō finishes dressing himself in surgical scrubs to cautiously open one of the mysterious letters with scalpel and tweezers.

High above Tomobiki, in her UFO, Lum and Ten both receive and open yet more of the mysterious letters.

Megane returns to his room and is horrified to discover that all of his pictures of Lum have mysteriously vanished. Frantically, he pulls out a photo album, only to find it too is empty of all images - but it does house on of the mysterious letters.

At a pachinko parlor, Perm wins a game, only to find a letter amongst his winnings.

Night having fallen, a happy Sakura walks home, only to hear her uncle Cherry call out to her, asking why she's smiling. She defensively tells him it's none of his business, then realizes she's walked past his campsite, where the itinerant monk is cooking dinner. He invites her to eat, and Sakura refuses, saying she can't eat the stuff he calls food. He sighs that she's no fun, only for Sakura to walk over and squat down across from him, declaring that she'll indulge, as today is a special day. She takes her first bite, admitting it's actually quite tasty, but when she goes for a second serve, she finds herself clutching a letter in her chopsticks. She accuses this of being one of her uncle's games, only to realize that he is also chewing on his own letter. She slides forward and tells him to stop it, but Cherry simply reaches up and points with his chopsticks at Sakura's hand... more specifically, at the very attractive new silver and diamond ring adorning her ring finger. Sakura leaps away from him, covering it up and letting out a nervous giggle.

In his shabby little apartment, Onsen-Mark nervously taps at the seal on one of the bizarre letters with the wooden end of a broom, afraid it will blow up.

At the Fujinamis, Ryūnosuke undresses for her bath, only to find a letter had somehow been hidden in her sarashi. Outside, her father splits a log for firewood, only to find one himself - when he makes the mistake of leaning into the bathroom where Ryūnosuke is in the tub, she punches him for peeping.

In his room, Chibi is gleefully unboxing his latest model purchase; a 1/44 scale model of the Sutetekosaurus, when he discovers a letter hidden inside the box.

In their rooms, both Shinobu Miyake and Ataru Moroboshi are fast asleep, an open letter close to hand.

In her room on the Mendō estate, Ryōko Mendō sits at a candlelit desk and muses on the legend that once a year, all the gods of Shinto gather for a great party at Izumo. She then walks out onto her balcony to gaze up at the full moon.

The next evening, as the night wind blows through the sakura blossoms, a voice-over from Mrs. Moroboshi explains that the letters led to all involved gathering at the Mendō estate to discuss the Tomobiki High School costume contest that was to be held the next day.

As Lum's Stormtroopers, Ran and Kotatsu-neko play and chase each other in the background, Ataru demands that Mendō explain what he said. A baffled Mendō points out he hasn't actually spoken yet, and Ataru tries to cover his embarrassment with a cough. Undaunted, Mendō explains that he's been thinking about their class's entry in the contest, and he thinks they need a strong, unified theme - specifically, he wants to suggest that they do something inspired by Japanese mythology. Unfortunately, by that point Ataru has gotten bored and is off perving on Sakura, which causes an angry Lum to accidentally zap them both whilst trying to shock Ataru.

Ten and Cherry gorge themselves, wolfing down a high-piled platter of food until all that's left is one last drumstick. They stare daggers at each other, but before they can try for it, Kotatsu-neko takes it, and they concede it to the larger bakeneko.

The gathering quickly devolves into its usual riot-cum-party, whilst up on the roof, a kuroko and a member of the Black Glasses Squad share some friendly sake and muse on how long they've been serving the Mendō clan.

The next day, the Principal of Tomobiki High paces excitedly in his room, musing on the fascination people have with masks, costumes and dressing up, eager for the contest to begin.

Outside, the students are all gathering in anticipation of the contest. Ten drops by, drawn by the excitement, and asks Lum what her class is doing. Lum excitedly explains that she is playing the role of "Suzume" ("Sparrow) in "Hakamagahara" (which means "Hakama flap-flap"), only for Mendō to correct her that she means she's playing "Uzume" (Goddess of Merriement) in "Takamagahara" (the Celestial Plane) - the story of how the gods coaxed the sun goddess Amaterasu to return to the world after she sealed herself away inside of a cave after being bullied by the storm god Susano-o. Undaunted by her mistakes, Lum continues that even Oyuki has been drafted to play a role. Wanting to be part of the fun, Ten asks Mendō for a role, but Mendō refuses because Ten isn't one of their classmates, which makes the irked young oni point out that Oyuki isn't a member of Class 2-4 either. He pleads for even just a small role. Suddenly, Oyuki collapses, which poses a big problem; she's playing their leading lady! Ten suggests he could take her place, but is ignored.

Insulted and jealous, Ten flies off, trying to console himself that the costume contest sounded stupid and childish anyway. Suddenly, he runs into a strange phenomena; a blinding sphere of light, accompanied by a woman's voice, asking him the way to Izumo. When Ten protests about the light hurting his eyes, it dims and its source reveals itself; a beautiful young woman who explains that she is Amaterasu, looking for Izumo. Too naive to realize that this is the real sun goddess, Ten replies that he doesn't know how to get to Izumo, but he does know a bunch of people who are looking for her, before leading her down to Tomobiki High.

Class 2-4 is debating who to replace Oyuki with, none of the girls being considered pretty enough for the role (which they are not thrilled by), when Ten arrives with the real deal. Not realizing that this is a real goddess, she is quickly roped in as a substitute for their performance. As they approach the judge's booth, Ataru and Mendō start bickering with each other, each eager to flirt with the newfound beauty in their ranks. Eventually, Ataru pushes Lum's last button and she grabs him for one of her trademark electrified grapples. Amaterasu pleads with Lum not to fight with Ataru, but the oni simply pulls an ugly face, sticking out her tongue to mock Amaterasu. Insulted, the goddess demands repentance, only to get another leer. Amaterasu suddenly emits blinding light as punishment, but Lum just whips out a pair of shades and pulls a face again.

Insulted, Amaterasu pulls out a blow-up cave and, after some help inflating it, declares her intent to punish them by plunging them into darkness. No sooner has she stepped inside and slammed the door shut than the sun literally goes out, plunging the whole town into a twilight-like state of darkness. Everybody thinks this is part of the show; the other students applaud Class 2-4's special effects, with a confused Mendō noting that whilst the specific details aren't right, this does match the general gist of the story. Ataru asks if this means it's time for the party scene, and Mendō agrees to roll with it.

Class 2-4 begin acting out the scene from the legend; female students dance whilst the male students play instruments and chant for Amaterasu to come out. Megane suggests that they really need Lum to start dancing in her role as Uzume, but she refuses, still feeling personally insulted by Amaterasu. Ataru starts up a new chant for Uzume, hoping this will coax Lum into playing her role. Suddenly, the real Uzume materializes atop a convenient stand, voluptuous and barely dressed, before beginning to dance for a stunned audience. And she is just the first god to arrive; other gods also begin materializing amongst the startled students of Class 2-4. They explain that they came from Izumo to look for Amaterasu, but since she's decided to seal herself up again, they seen no reason not to have a party, and begin making merry for real.

Inside her fake cave, Amaterasu hears the noise and pokes her head out, but Tajikarao uncorks her inflatable cave, causing it to whisk her away as the other gods begin partying all the harder. Uzume dances right up to Ataru, blatantly flirting, which has Lum spitting sparks in her rage. She grabs him before he can follow her and gives him a massive zap, before a fake stone cave is suddenly dropped over the pair of them, apparently by one of Mendō's Black Glasses Squad.

Inside, Ataru pounds on the wall and demands to be let out. When there is no response, he turns to Lum and asks her to give it a zap, only to reel in shock; Lum is literally glowing like a candle. The bemused oni asks him what the matter is, and when he points out her new luminescence, she explains it's just residual heat, a side effect of discharging electricity. Still, he asks her if she's alright, which pleases Lum so much that she skips over and throws her arms around him in delight. Realizing they have a rare moment of total privacy, she points out that nobody can see them and leans in for a kiss. Ataru nervously hesitates, glancing around, but after a few moments he steels himself and leans in as well to kiss her on the lips.

They have only moments to enjoy it before the same goon who trapped them in the fake cave pulls a rope and breaks them apart. Ataru hastily breaks his liplock with Lum and starts to back away from an infuriated quintet of Mendō, Megane, Perm, Karakuri and Chibi, but their impending assault is interrupted by a missile shot by Benten, the first of a wave of supernatural beings to descend upon the party, which quickly devolves into yet another riot.


Cameos from Urusei Yatsura[]

Non-Urusei Yatsura Cameos[]


  • This episode is sometimes considered the 195th one due to people regarding the episode that came right before as the 194th one. However, as that episode is actually a repeat of Episode 44—although with a special introduction and a best episode countdown before the actual episode—others prefer to consider it a special episode and not list it as the 194th one.
  • This is the last episode of the anime, at least on television, until a second anime series was announced in 2022. The series in its Fuji timeslot was replaced by the anime adaptation of Maison Ikkoku, another manga by Rumiko Takahashi and later Noboru Rokuda's F until September 28, 1988.
    • The series, however, continued as an OVA series, starting with OVA 2.
  • Megane's real name is revealed to be Satoshi.
  • The insert song Fushigi Kirei is used in instrumental.
  • The ending Uchuu wa Taihen da! is used as an insert song at the end of the episode.
  • Mendō does the Kenshiro's ATTATATATATA war cry from Fist of the North Star while chasing Ataru. Mendō's voice actor, Akira Kamiya, voices both characters.
  • This episode marks the only time in either the manga or the 1981 anime where Sakura and Tsubame are shown to successfully share a kiss, as all other kisses are interrupted by peeping toms.
  • Whilst Tsubame was introduced as Sakura's fiance, the ring she acquires after her date with him in the first half of this episode suggests that they have moved to a more serious point in their relationship. Ironically, the ring doesn't appear in any of the OVAs.
  • The model that Chibi is so pleased to have acquired combines the word "suteteko", the name of a style of old-fashioned underwear used by samurai, and "saurus", a common suffix for dinosaurs. The cover art depicts a parody of Godzilla wearing boxers.
  • The shot of Ryōko Mendō laying down old-fashioned scissors whilst sitting at a candlelit desk is recycled from Episode 131.
  • When Megane says "Amaterasu has left the building", it's a riff on the popular saying "Elvis has left the building".
  • The brief scene of Mendō pulling out a voodoo doll to inflict pain on Ryōko marks one of only two times that she has gotten into trouble in the 1981 anime, the first being the sequence with the "Octopussy" battle suit in Episode 133.
  • This episode marks the third time in the 1981 anime that Ataru and Lum are seen kissing on-screen.

Differences from the Manga[]

The episode contains plenty of anime-original content, which amounts to more than half of it. In the manga:

  • The story starts with Ten arriving at the costume contest already taking place and ends with Tajikarao precluding Amaterasu to come out of her rock since the gods do not want the party to end yet.
  • The one supposed to play Amaterasu who feels sick is not Oyuki, but a regular school girl.
  • Lum and Ataru do not share a kiss at any point of the story.
    • Similarly, Sakura and Tsubame do not kiss at all, as they don't even appear in the story.

