Urusei Yatsura Wiki

Kaminarizakura (, Kaminarizakura?) is the third ending theme of the 2022 adaptation of Urusei Yatsura, performed by MAISONdes feat. 9Lana and SAKURAmoti. It was used from episodes 24 to 35.


Kaminari no naru kono machi mo sakura mau

Nee nee watashi kimi no koto suki de suki sugite shou ga nakute
Hana wo mitsumeru yokogao ni futo samishiku natte yuku
"Aishiteru" mo "daisuki" mo ato nankai darou
Nee mata nando kimi to onaji haru wo mirareru no ka na

Hana yo hana yo mada chiranaide kono haru yo mada owaranaide
Sukoshi demo nagaku watashi kimi to wagamama demo issho ni itai yo
Hana yo hana yo mada chiranaide isso jikan goto tomatte shimae
Nante negattemo hi wa kureru hanafuu ni fukare asu e yuku

"Rainen mo mata koyou ne" sou itte kimi ni waraikaketa

Characters in order of appearance[]


  • This ending sequence resembles the Urusei Yatsura 1980s anime series graphic style
    • The initial and final backgrounds have the blue/green color and style of the 1980s anime openings and endings.
    • There is a scene of Ataru in chibi style that looks exactly like in the style of the 1980s anime openings and endings.


To be added

