Kokorobosoi na (心細いな, Forlorn Aren't You?) is the second ending theme of Urusei Yatsura, performed by Helen Sasano. It is used from episodes 22 to 43, and also as an insert song in Episode 44 and a few other episodes after it.
きれいな人と すれちがう度に
困った人ね マイダーリン
宇宙で一番の 浮気な男の子
好きにすればいいわ bye-byeしちゃうから
心細いな 心細いな
心細いな 心細いな
心細いな 心細いな
いつもフラフラ キョロキョロ
愛は 愛はどこへやら
あなたの瞳 まるでレーダーね
きれいな人を 探してる
心細いな 心細いな
心細いな 心細いな
心細いな 心細いな
いつもフラフラ キョロキョロ
愛は 愛はどこへやら
あまえた声で 私にモーション
かけてる最中でも すぐに目移り
宇宙で一番の 浮気な男の子
好きにすればいいわ bye-byeしちゃうから
心細いな 心細いな
心細いな 心細いな
心細いな 心細いな
いつもフラフラ キョロキョロ
愛は 愛はどこへやら
いつもフラフラ キョロキョロ
愛は 愛はどこへやら
Kireina hito to surechigau tabi ni
totan ni genki ni naru no.
Komatta hito ne my darling.
Uchuu de ichiban no uwaki no otoko no ko.
suki ni sureba ii wa bye-bye shichau kara.
Sagashi mawattemite mo--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Ai wa mitsukarazu--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Mi ga chijimarisoo--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Itsumo furafura kyorokyoro;
Ai wa ai wa doko e yara?
Anata no hitomi maru de radar ne
itsudemo migi ni hidari ni
kireina hito o sagashiteru.
Sugu ni furareru kuse ni
sukoshi mo mege mo sezu
hijitetsu no present
mata mata moratteru.
Sagashi mawattemite mo--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Ai wa mitsukarazu--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Mi ga chijimarisoo--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Itsumo furafura kyorokyoro;
Ai wa ai wa doko e yara?
Amaeta koe de watashi ni motion
kaketeru saichuu demo
sugu ni meutsuri my darling.
Uchuu de ichiban no uwaki no otoko no ko.
suki ni sureba ii wa bye-bye shichau kara.
Sagashi mawattemite mo--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Ai wa mitsukarazu--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Mi ga chijimarisoo--
kokorobosoina kokorobosoina--
Itsumo furafura kyorokyoro;
Ai wa ai wa doko e yara?
Itsumo furafura kyorokyoro
Ai wa ai wa doko e yara?
The instant you pass by a pretty girl
you get all energetic.
You're a troublesome one, my Darling.
You're the most fickle boy in all of space.
Do what you like; I'm saying bye-bye.
Though you search all over--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
You can't find love--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
You look like you're shrinking away--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
Always reeling every which-way;
where can love be?
Your eyes are like radar,
always turning this way and that
looking for pretty girls.
Even though you typically
get dumped right away,
not even giving up a little,
you keep getting presents of rejection
over and over again.
Though you search all over--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
You can't find love--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
You look like you're shrinking away--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
Always reeling every which-way;
where can love be?
Even when you're in the middle
of making a move
on me in a sweet tone of voice,
you get distracted in no time, my Darling.
You're the most fickle boy in all of space.
Do what you like; I'm saying bye-bye.
Though you search all over--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
You can't find love--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
You look like you're shrinking away--
forlorn, aren't you, forlorn, aren't you--
Always reeling every which-way;
where can love be?
Always reeling every which-way;
where can love be?