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Megane (メガネ, Glasses, aka Four-Eyes?), real name Satoshi (サトシ, Satoshi?), is one of Ataru Moroboshi's friends and classmates, as well as Ataru's self-proclaimed rival for Lum's affection by serving as the "Lord Chairman of the Supreme Council" of Lum's Stormtroopers.


Megane was part of Ataru's group of friends which included Chibi, Perm and Kakugari, having all known each other since kindergarten. But when Lum and the Oni invasion force arrived to conquer the world and were subsequently defeated when Ataru won a game of tag against Lum, and Ataru incidentally became her fiancee, Megane and his friends fell madly in love with the beautiful alien girl from the stars, causing them to become jealous and vengeful towards Ataru. They then formed Lum's Stormtroopers to serve as her devoted fan club who sought to break up Ataru and Lum by any means necessary in the hopes that Lum might realize that one of the stormtroopers would be a superior and more caring boyfriend to her than Ataru (even though the stormtroopers are often no better than Ataru).

Megane is the intensely idiosyncratic Supreme Council Chairman of the Stormtroopers and as such concocts numerous schemes to gain Lum's attention and protect her purity from Ataru. He is a manic otaku who has an obsession with Nazi Germany paraphernalia and often gives eccentric speeches, gradually going hysterical as he goes on. However, he usually immediately calms down after such speeches and has surprising amount of common sense for someone so hysterical. He usually views Ataru as an enemy, but during their leisure time they get along like friends and often go to gyūdon restaurants and soba stands together. He is also writing a book entitled History of Tomobiki, but the only time he reads part of it aloud is during the second movie.

Megane is the only human character to be depicted finishing food prepared by Lum.


Megane Battle Suit 64

Megane's first heavy-duty suit (M HMS-01).

Megane seems to be a fairly well-educated individual with an impressive understanding of poetry, history, mythology, philosophy, war paraphernalia and vehicles, but he seems to have a particular interest and knowledge of science-fiction and socialist manifestos. However his intelligence is often clouded by his own shortsightedness, ego and misfortune.

His ambiguous intellect aside, Megane is a relatively weak individual who is frequently the victim of physical violence from not only the aliens and monsters that visit Tomobiki, but even his fellow students. Because of this, Megane learned some level of engineering, building his own heavy-duty armored suit (M HMS-01) with which to fight dangerous foes and withstand injuries, but his suit proved to be relatively useless during his first run with it, at best only keeping him alive from what would have likely been a very lethal encounter with Unbaba Tetsu, the Franken Brothers and several rival schools.

Megane would later build a second lighter-colored suit (M HMS-02) during an incident with Shūtarō Mendō which proved more durable, protecting him from otherwise fatal explosions but still useless in combat.


Lum's Stormtroopers model sheet and real names

Megane's model sheet and real name from Shonen Sunday Graphic.

  • In the final episode of the Urusei Yatsura anime series and the subsequent Shonen Sunday Graphic magazine, Megane's real name is revealed to be Satoshi.
  • Megane was designed by series director Mamoru Oshii after his voice actor Shigeru Chiba. Chiba, a notorious adlibber, was able to shape Megane into the high-strung character he became. There are many instances when Megane takes the place of Kōsuke Shirai from the manga, but Megane is more often than not antagonistic towards Ataru whereas Kōsuke was portrayed as being his best friend.
  • The parallel universe with swapped genders featured a female Megane who was quite pleased to encounter a female Lum... so pleased as to make Lum rather uncomfortable.
  • His voice actor would later provide the voice of Yotsuya from Maison Ikkoku, Sasuke Sarugakure from Ranma ½ and Ryūnosuke's Father in Urusei Yatsura (2022).
  • In the manga, Megane like the rest of his fellow stormtroopers (with the possible exception of Perm technically being Kōsuke Shirai) disappeared early on and his character was never elaborated upon when compared to the anime, with his role usually being shared with Kosuke or one of Kosuke's two friends. Despite this, the character remained a mainstay of the franchise along with his fellow stormtroopers, making cameos in subsequent works and even a return in the 2022 series (minus Kakugari).
  • Megane along with Ataru and the rest of Lum's Stormtroopers made a cameo appearance in the Inuyasha spin off series Yashahime where they appear as a gang of local hoodlums.
  • In the 2022 series, he would be addressed only by his real name and his hair was changed to black instead of brown.
  • Megane's "M HMS" armors bear a striking resemblance to the "Protect Gear" powered armors used by the Special Armored Unit in Oshii Mamoru's 1988 manga series Kerberos Panzer Cop. As the first appearance of the M HMS was in 1983 in Episode 64, it seems likely that this armors were in some way the inspiration for the Protect Gears.

Media Appearances[]


  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 7 (9 in wideban)
  • Chapter 10 (7 in wideban)
  • Chapter 11 (12 in wideban)
  • Chapter 12 (13 in wideban)
  • Chapter 14 (15 in wideban)
  • Chapter 15 (16 in wideban)
  • Chapter 16 (19 in wideban)
  • Chapter 21 (22 in wideban)
  • Chapter 28 (8 in wideban)




1981 Anime[]

2022 Anime[]
